Friday, July 29, 2011

Pig Brains

Today I tried pig brains
it wasnt very good
It tasted like dead pig
But i never thought it would
Gooey and mushy, it feels like slime
Eating this stuff should be a crime
So if you want to try this disgusting dish
I tried to warn you but do as you wish
But i must tell you and its not very kind
If you eat pig brains your out of your mind
(based on true events)


  1. Brains, kidneys, tripe, sweet breads, chitlins and other organs can be quite tasty, with the proper preparation and sauce. Perhaps your dish wasn't properly prepared/presented. I grew up among poor Amish farmers who ate every part of any animal, except for the bones, that they raised. "Waste not - want not." Do you have any idea what goes into a hot dog? It is all of whatever is left over after the butchers have made all of the other cuts of meat from a carcass. Today, the FDA even allows for a small percentage of bone chips and "other" things so that a lot of people claim that hot dogs include the sweepings from the butcher's floor. Have you ever heard of 'Head Cheese'? It is all of whatever can be scraped off of the head (eyeballs included), cut up into small pieces and then suspended in aspic (which is a whole other story altogether). I think a study of the creation of soups would shed light on similar practices. We just pride ourselves on being so culturally advanced; many people think that chicken, steaks and roasts just naturally develop in neat plastic-wrapped trays in supermarkets.
    As the Amish say, "It makes no never mind, as long as it is well cooked."

  2. This sounds like a Shel Silverstein poem! Love yah cupcake! XOXOX
