Saturday, February 12, 2011

Be Cool Stay in School

It is Wednesday February 9. There have been 7 other days of school since the first day. The first week of school was basically a repeat of the first day. Tuesday and Friday were official “working” days which I thought meant the teachers would actually be teaching? A working day here means kids dress in old clothes to do more cleaning and work on the school. At least they weren’t getting their uniforms dirty. There is still no official start time of school. Everything gets started around 8:30 or so and we get done between 11 and 12. School is supposed to go until 2, but that has yet to happen. I do think a routine will eventually be made, I suppose there is still some logistical stuff to be done. I am taking this down time in the school to get to know the children and look through the English curriculum. I do have my own classroom which also serves as the library. I am starting to decorate it and trying to fade out the browns grays and dust colors.
            Wednesday the teachers fast to show their thanks to God. I was walking down the hallway taking a sip of water when a teacher poked me in the stomach and said “hey! Today we fast”. I didn’t know fasting included water, what they didn’t know is I made myself a wonderful breakfast this morning. Now don’t go thinking these Samoan women fast all day long. We fast until twelve and then a prayer is said to close the fast and it’s time for lunch. It also is another excuse to end school early.
            What we deal with in these schools from time to time is lack of motivation from teachers students. I am not going point any fingers, but I do know my work is cut out for me. It’s not just my school that is like this, looking for excuses to end school early. Any reason can work, from fasting to too much rain (which the kids have to walk home in, so it’s better to stay in school right?). I was talking to another PCV today and her teachers left school early because it was payday and they wanted to go to Apia. There are so many issues to tackle but we must take it one day at a time. My biggest priority right now is establishing good relationships with my teachers and students.
            At the end of last week I was disappointed. Over the weekend I realized that it was not a waste and if anything I spent time with my students and the other teachers. So life is good. Penelope finally used her litter box, I’m a proud mommy. I went for my first bike ride and didn’t get attacked by a dog.
When we first got here the staff would talk to us about being flexible. I couldn’t count how many times we heard “being a part of the Peace Corps, you have to be flexible”. The word I realize we use the most when talking amongst other PCV’s is patience. In this country, you won’t survive without it. Anyway what I am getting at is I found this great quote from Mother Teresa that is perfect. I found it reading “Three Cups of Tea” that I just recently finished. I have been told for like 5 years now that I need to read it, and I am glad I did. I definitely recommend it!
Peace and Love
“Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything”- Mother Teresa


  1. Great post Sweetie. Your cat looks like it has lips :)

  2. haha hi my sweet best long lost friend. i know that you are missing me :) hahaha probably not as much or even close to as much as i am missing you. it makes me so happy reading your posts. it makes me feel like i know what is going on with you!! i am sorry that the first week was a little slow. this just means however that there is plenty of room for imporvement there and that you truly are going to be able to make a difference. i am so excited for you. i am kinda jealous that school gets out that early. that would have been GREAT in middle school. hahahaa and it would be even better in work now. the weather here is starting to warm up a little. random sentence. i am obsessed with p. she is adorable. can u bring her home? i have been asking for a car for 2 years. my roomates shot me down, you shot me down, and so did my boy, absolutely my dad. lol i think she nees to come home with you. LOVING YOU FROM AFAR. miss you tons. <3
